The Foundation has a permanent staff.
The Foundation has 2 funding websites:
●1 x business funding website for
business investors
with amounts of €.25.000 or more
●1 x crowd funding
website for investors with amounts between €.500 and €.10.000
(to be functioning from mid
March 2014.)
As you read these rules, you are on the BUSINESS FUNDING
Every filmproduction has its own production value.
The reason for this is, that in one film are more actors, or more
Special Effects, or more stunts, or more extra’s than in another
Before every investment-opening per film for the CROWD, the
production costprice is been calculated, and the total price for
production, marketing and organisation of each film will be
In this website the amount of
€.100.000 is often been named for the production, marketing, and
organisation. But this is only for you investors to visualise the
key-formules easier!
The EXAMPLE-amount of €.100.000 is not counting for all 40
filmproductions, but it gives an indication about the relative low
production costs of our films.
Low production costs are caused by:
● |
format ‘So speak!...’ that makes us in the position to
produce on an innovative way
on-the-running-belt, and |
● |
because we work in Uganda,
and |
● |
because we do not use very
expensive ‘’well known’’ actors as a result of the
Registered trademark Casting International known as
remarkable rubbernecking storyteller, enough to reach a
large public. |
Companies can advertise by product-
& inscript-placements (advertisers)
in very diverse ways in their preferred film narrative, per
language, and per form of distribution.
This, together with our |
makes us very attractive in terms of
our advertising rates in |
relation to the large Worldwide volume of viewers-audience we
appeal to.
In an informative discussion with you we would like to present the
many innovative forms of advertising product placements and inscript
In addition we work with option contracts where you as an advertiser
or sponsor pay only after the film is actually produced.
This is a security for you.