Mediaplan Uganda:

• This page contains information directed on business
georiënted investors: participants/co-owners of the Holding
Part 3

This information is specificly for potential participants: Part 3.
For part 1 click here
For part 2 click here.

The core essence of the business model

On this page you will find a compact description of the business model, aimed at participants.
The entire holding construction is a social enterprise.
We are looking for Socially Responsible Investors commercially willing and able to invest in the infrastructure logistics for the production of special video content in an international growth market.

Target groups
Appointment of the Customer: Needs of the Customer:
Socio economic earnings Business (participants) and CROWD investors
More efficient and effective communication United Nations organizations
A global (UN) audience Rubbernecking' Audio-Visual edutainment content
Advertisers and sponsors Audience share & support increasing sustainable sales
NGO’s Socio economic earnings
Technological inventors PR-platform

Extra values
Our films provide a refreshing look at universal problems with alternative solutions.
New is the educational element in the area of universal Human Rights.
The form and content of the format is innovative, as well as the principle of the assembly production line of feature films.
The cost price per film is, due to the above, relatively low, because of the productions are in Uganda and our pricelist  is attractive for advertisers and sponsors.
The brand 'Casting International’ stands for integrity and rapid productions of high-quality identifications.
The design of the holding includes transparent procedures elaborated in for example the General Terms and Conditions.
The income per movie start a half years after the financing = ''go / filmthis'', they are distributed per country /
language, and after 2 years most of the incomes are dried up in each
The education and the commercial ads remain'' forever'' on the Internet.

Revenue model / core activities
The core activity is making the communication of United Nations organizations more efficient & effective.
The earnings consist of productplacements & inscriptplacements (core business)
and at least 5 sales country / language -versions according
(any version country / language sales provides at least 100 % of the cost price, this is partly why prices are so attractive).
Because ''rubbernecking'' is a direct result for the consumer, our films attract many audiences as the viewers are satisfied in their curiosity , amusement and contemplation needs.

All format- and intellectual property rights are demonstrable and transferable.
After 5-7 years , the format will be rolled out per country –there are ± 200 (United) nations (scalability).

Strategic partners
A strategic Critical Success Factor are the participants.
They give direction with prioritization on the logistics infrastructure of the Holding.
This involves direct participation in the staff-staff area of Section 4 (logistics).

In addition, they quickly occupy positions for the next five years in Sections 5 (commercial), 2 (security) and 6 (connections) and –partly, and limited- Section 1 (personnel)..
These participation-decision influences will grow during the coming 5 years because participants create their own competences and priorities (they make their own Holding So speak!...Ltd. rules & procedures).
The participation and lining  by participants are within the limits of the given doctrines.
Section 3 (creativity, directing, cinematography, and production) is and will always remain the ultimate responsibility of the function of film-director Casting International.
Essential condition applicable for all participants is that they sign the
for acceptance of ethical business conduct.

Tactical partners
2 tactical Critical Success Factors are the CROWD-investors and external marketing organization(s).
The CROWD-investors obtain early 2014 an 'own' funding interactive website.
The external marketing organization (s) are working on behalf of the Foundation CastingInternational-Expeditions with construction contracts per country / language.
They coordinate with advertisers and sponsors who want to manifest through product- & inscriptplacements, in films and take care of the sales to the distribution channels of the country / language.
Essential condition applicable for all participants is that they sign the
for acceptance of ethical business conduct.

Cost structure
The staff team is on the payroll of Casting International Ltd.
The team is in training (duration 3-6 months ) and has two elements:
A) the expedition staff, that lasts to Uganda for 3 years, in the rithm of 3 months Uganda, 2 months NL), and
B) the staff in the Netherlands that functions as the life-line, is active with business continuity planning, and preparations for new expeditions.
Staff-employees on expeditions are with an employment contract and there is a supplement with freelance -call staff members. The crewmembers have freelance -call contracts and comes from the 1st RTPK-company.
He produce for CISU Ltd. scenes in assembly lines.
All working companies only use internally trained 'home-grown crew and staff personnel’.
Scales and foreign grants , etc. are similar to those of Defence (NL).
The essential logistics costs of the logistics are to be crystallized in the next 5 years in close consultation between participants and Casting International through Sections 4 and 1 .
The basic cost of the productions are been calculated per film in pre-production phase by the staff team, and are published on the CROWD-funding website to become financed by them.
The cost constraints are located in the cast (good but unknown actors m/f without dialogues) and line productions in the low-wage country Uganda.
In addition, costs for overnight etc are kept low through collaborations with local UN agencies and NGOs in the field.
Risk limits are to be made with interested potential participants during personal interviews.

Casting International is a first mover, ie the competition is a copycat.
Our format has several distinctive image ingredients compared to plastic-TV:
- our item- focus is on causation - not on consequences;
- our focus on alternative solutions - not ‘’look what sad'';
- we produce entertaining teaching - not only entertainment;
- our films are Instantly recognizable by its masks - not a standard aspect of 16: 9;
- our stories have advertising inclusive codes - not exclusive commercials;
- our stories contain Food for thoughts - not superficiality.