• Administrative calculation
for more or less of the expected
• Guarantee that investors will not see their money evaporate.

In connection with proper entrepreneurship in cases for making
calculations to make for the administration of revenue distributions,
the technical turnover distribution is in principle only applicable
when more than{150% (strategic turnover distribution) + 175% (tactical
turnover distribution) =} 325% turnover is achieved.
• The Board of the foundation distributes all turnover as prescribed
in the distribution formulas in the following order:
1) first strategic.
2) followed by tactical.
3) then technical.
In the case when -percentages deviate from the 500 % target, the board
executes in whole the following directions:
• If actual turnover per project exceeds more than 500 %,
then the given strategic-, tactical-, and technical turnover distributions
are also applied for the extra turnover .
• If the actual turnover is less than 500 % but more than 200%,
then the distribution formula also applies to the surplus (to
that percentage what is over 200%).
• If the actual turnover of a project is less than 200 %, despite the
prescribed minimal 200% options that are required before
the board of the foundation releases the working budget for
the filmproduction concerned (option agreements are
not yet actual income), This loss FIRST has to be compensated
by the tactical turnover of other film projects (this can
be done because per expedition a number of projects/films can be
realized simultaneously and sold).
• All bank interests accruing from investment funds as they grow and
not yet having achieved the amount of €. 100.000 per
film, or because there are insufficient option contracts (the reason
why this money is parked in a bank), are repaid proportionate
to the share of investment per investor to investors if :
- the film concerned cannot be funded within 2 years with the required
€. 100.000, and/or
- if there are no written guarantees amounting to 200% option
contracts for sales to distribution stations or advertisement placements.
Investors will then have their investment paid back (minus 5-10%
administration costs, without interest);(they receive 100% of their
original investment back after max 2 years, minus administration
Yet in the case of €.100.000 being raised (and 200% in option
contracts) then the foundation will transfer these interests as
extra forms of income to the film story concerned at the same time
as the €.100.000 that goes to the production partners as working
budget to support their “filmthis” assignment.